• dare. Oct 26th, 2023

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Make your poker money grow

of Liam

Growing one's deposited funds is definitely something all poker players want to happen. However, achieving this requires a significant amount of discipline and skill. It is attainable, though. In this and the following article, we will discuss the best way to play Texas Hold'em No Limit, how to manage your bankroll (your capital), the actual functioning of bonus systems, as well as rake backs (the opportunity to get back a percentage of the fee you pay to the casino). Going forward, we will also delve into the subject of poker tools and software, along with general tips. After spending a few days with us at casinoland.se, you will be a fully-fledged poker pro!

Here we go - good luck!

From 1

Let's start with the bankroll. This is something that beginners and many recreational players care far too little about. We could almost say that it is the most important piece of the puzzle when it comes to being able to make money from poker - especially in cash games. Many deposit a few hundred bucks and then enter the first available poker room, often at a limit that is way too high, and manage to gamble away the entire bankroll in a few hours. To have a reasonable chance of being able to play poker for a long time, you must have a bankroll that matches the poker room's blinds and can withstand fluctuations. That is to say - a bankroll that doesn't end up at zero when you make some bad bets (because you will definitely make them). You should also never bring your entire roll into one room. The chance that you bet everything on a losing hand is too great. You must have the ability to play the right hands hour after hour with a large portion of discipline, without being devoured by blinds and rakes. Maybe you barely break even at the beginning, but the goal is to really learn the game. A tight playing style is preferable here. You have to fold junk hands, but at the same time play enough "good" hands to get an acceptable "hourly wage".

The size of your bankroll is extremely important, and the recommendations regarding its magnitude vary significantly. Everything from 200-3000 times the big blind. This means that on a typical low-limit table at $0.25/$0.50, you would need between $100 and $1500. We would not recommend the former, nor the latter. If you truly have an interest in consistently making money from poker, $100 at a $0.50 table is not realistic. $1500 is also not necessary, but if you have such a large bankroll and haven't achieved stable growth before it runs out - well, then I'm afraid I have to advise you to focus on a different game.

So, what is my advice then? Well, based on personal experiences, especially during my early years in online poker, I always deposited too little money and would therefore say that a bankroll of 700-1000 times the big blind can withstand a bit of beating, and with good margins. This gives you room to go on a losing streak for long periods, provided you don't get frustrated with your bad hands and start tilting. If you do, all bankrolls will quickly disappear. Instead, take a break, go for a walk, or read a book. Anything to clear your mind from your poor gameplay.

If you choose a limit of $0.25/$0.5, which is considered a relatively low level, you would need a starting capital of $350 to $500. Quite a substantial amount of money, isn't it? I dare say that a majority of recreational players have never deposited such a large sum at once. Yet, you find them playing in rooms with limits far above $0.5, and after a few unfortunate hands, they've depleted their bankroll, uninstall the poker client out of frustration, or quickly throw in a couple hundred more that quickly disappear as they start chasing their recent losses.

Now we have determined a practical figure for your bankroll, which has more advantages than just providing you with flexibility. Specifically, the deposit bonus that virtually all casinos and poker rooms offer. So, which one should you choose?

I will address the answer to that question in the next article. Stay tuned for more!